Research Papers
I'm finally able to blog again! :) Last week was homecoming and school became my second home. Thursday I stayed for 18 hours...18 hours at school is a long time, and I was only awake for 19 hours. So I was busy all week. I had to make up a lot of math homework on Sunday... don't worry! I got it all done, and I understood it. Saturday we went to Wet'N Wild which is a water park so I didn't have any time to do homework...which I was fine with. But then come Monday, I had school. Today I had two tests! One in AP World, that I feel pretty confident on and then Algebra 2. I felt confident on that one, except for this one problem that was out to get me, but hopefully my confidence will come through. But it is math, and with me who knows.
So in AP World we have a rough draft due on Thursday for a research paper. My topic is why the fall of western Rome was more severe then in china with the Han dynasty. I have a lot of Internet resources for Rome, and my textbook. ;) But unfortunately we are unable to use our books, so I ordered 2 other books from the library and I'm hoping they will have the same information. Now to find things on Han Dynasty. All I have are my notes from my teachers lecture. Exciting, it's pretty vague, so I'm in the process of getting more information. Or I would be if I wasn't blogging, but not to worry I will finish. That's why I started today! I have Wednesday to finish and put it all together. Now to work on my thesis. I hate those things, they take me forever to figure out, and then I have to think of an amazing introduction and an amazing conclusion. I actually got to pick my topic and I like history, so hopefully it won't be that bad! *crosses fingers*
Well, that's pretty much it for now! Hopefully I'll be able to blog some more on least that's the plan!
P.S. I really like the spell check on here! :)
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