I <3 Vampires

I love how totally obessed people can get over tv shows or any other thing and no one will think its too weird! I mean, they could think what you are obessing over is weird, but not the obessing part! :)
My cousin Heather showed me take180 while she was here and I fell in love with the minisodes of I <3>
Anyways, right now the Holiday is on, just because it was the only thing on and its at the end. Its actually a pretty good movie except for a couple of scenes, but I really relate with Iris and I like how everything turns out. I'm just waiting for the parentals to come home and again nothing really good to eat in the house. I did find a huge bag of m&ms buried under the many pounds of chocolate chips that we have. So I did enjoy so m&ms and now I know where to look! ;)
Well...I think thats about it. And I'm excited to be able to blog about what ever I want. Well, not everything, but most things!
P.S. Check it out!


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