
Showing posts from 2011

College Applications?

YES! I can finally apply to the BYU's! So exciting! They said that I could apply starting October 1, but they changed it and I had to wait until today to actually start applying for the correct semster, and yay! I feel almost accomplished! Now to write two essays, talk to my bishop and stake president, and then do the applications for scholarships! I'm so excited to be able to go to college and do fun stuff and learn and be a college student! Then I shall feel super official! So thats my exciting news for today and this week! Except I have to wait until February to figure out if I was accepted so I hope I am and that I don't explode from waiting! :) But I also have to still focus on all my other classes, ACT and SAT, as well as AP classes, the play I am in (Museum), choir, trouveres, and other activities, so still staying quite busy! But my other news involves the play! I am already Maggie Snow and Kate Siv, but today I got the extra part of Mira Zadal! I'm pretty excit...


So there is this super intense song we're singing for trouveres and its awesome so if you want to listen to it: SUPER INTENSE! And it just sounds super cool! My part is the first women's part to come in, just in case you were wondering. :) ~Shaina


So I have no idea where to begin since I haven't posted in so long! (I really need to write on my journal too, but since I'm on the computer I'll try and be somewhat productive!) But today I made trouveres! (I have no idea if I spelled that right...) but that's the ensemble that comes out of the concert choir here! I'm so excited! Our rehearsals are from 7-9, so they'll be intense but hopefully fun! :) So I started looking at all of the college applications today and filled out some of the basic things for BYU, but you can't actually apply 'til October, so there goes my being productive! Oh well, at least I have some freeish time. Well, I take that back I'm actually procrastinating on some homework...I did some, but I didn't finish it completely. But don't worry! It's not due tomorrow! I did everything for tomorrow! But the classes in South Carolina are very different! First of all they have a block schedule so I'm only taking 4 class...


(Hmm, before I start my post...So I just wrote on my journal, which I have saved on my computer and tried copying and pasting some of it on here but it wouldn't let me! Boo! I have to be completely original. Or just re-type ;)) Today I learned to make blueberry cobbler. I went out to get my laundry and my grandma had already switched it for me and after dumping it on my bed I thanked her and was about to start folding it, but she asked if I wanted to learn how to make a cobbler. I had already told her I don't like cobblers, but maybe she thought me learning to make it will make me like it. ( we shall see.) So I learned how to make it! It's pretty simple actually so it didn't take to much time at all. 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of sugar, and a whole lot of blueberries. (Have I mentioned I'm not a blueberry person?) I told her that and she said, "What? How could someone related to me not like blueberries?" I have no idea, but they just haven't ...


Yes, yes I am. Well, not really, but I'm on someone else's blog! A couple of weeks ago one of the ladies in our church came to talk to us. She's about to have her first book published so she came to talk to us about how she got published and everything in between! It was a lot of fun and she said that she would send me her editor's assistant email so that I could ask her my editing questions. It was a lot of fun. She then told her editors about it and they sent us a box of books. For free. FOR FREE! I'm still freaking out about it! They've all been really good so far, so I can't wait to read all of them! So here's the blog, try and pick me out ;) ~Shaina


I really liked this flower...can you tell? My dog Chance, I can just see him rolling his eyes at me. Yup, I got a digital camera for Christmas, and I love it! Every excuse I see to use it... I do! Today we were doing yard work and I kept seeing all these things that would make cool pictures and so I went and grabbed my camera and started taking shoots! Also it might have been trying to avoid work, but thats a completety different story! But thats a couple of the pictures I took today and hopefully I'll have more later :) ~Shaina P.S. No school Monday! Woot woot!


I had an epiphany today on the bus...yes, you read that right, I learned something from a high school bus. Have you ever noticed how many people we come in contact with? It's crazy really, and we don't even know them! For instance walking down a hallway or sitting on a bus, you don't know half of the people there and out of school you probably don't know anyone! Our bus was really crowded today, and my friend and I didn't get to sit together on the bus so I had to try and find another seat. And I only know a couple of people on the bus and they're not really friends but I know them...but I didn't sit with anyone I knew. I sat down to a random kid who was nice enough to move over for me. We both listened to our ipods, and sometimes when I'm feeling hyper or just friendly I'll strike up a conversation. But today I didn't. I was listening to my ipod and just thinking and the moment had already passed where I could have started a conversation. Just t...