College Applications?

YES! I can finally apply to the BYU's! So exciting! They said that I could apply starting October 1, but they changed it and I had to wait until today to actually start applying for the correct semster, and yay! I feel almost accomplished! Now to write two essays, talk to my bishop and stake president, and then do the applications for scholarships! I'm so excited to be able to go to college and do fun stuff and learn and be a college student! Then I shall feel super official!
So thats my exciting news for today and this week! Except I have to wait until February to figure out if I was accepted so I hope I am and that I don't explode from waiting! :) But I also have to still focus on all my other classes, ACT and SAT, as well as AP classes, the play I am in (Museum), choir, trouveres, and other activities, so still staying quite busy!
But my other news involves the play! I am already Maggie Snow and Kate Siv, but today I got the extra part of Mira Zadal! I'm pretty excited! Maggie Snow rushes in and is only there for a couple of lines but its gonna be fun. Today we worked on perfecting our characters and she asked if I remembered Curella DeVille. And I said, "Yes, I was afraid of her when I was younger..." "Good, I want you to act like her. Be rude." To which I was like okayyy, if you say so! So I was rude and I get to say "Typical, Typical!" So that was easier to sound rude, and it was fun! Who knew 3 lines could be so much fun! My next part is Mira and she's flirty, so I've decided I need to talk to Danielle, bwhaha. :) I love her! Kate Siv is jealous and extremely senstive and she runs out crying, so I go all over the place with my characters! But it should be fun and is fun!
Well, I think thats it for now! I guess I should should study for my math test and review some of my other classes. Off to be productive! (or attempt!) Good Night to all and I hope your Monday has been good and the rest of your week is awesome! :)


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