So this week has been very...interesting. That's the best word I can come up with. The beginning of the week was good, until Thursday. My choir teacher on Wednesday said he wasn't going to be there Thursday or Friday. I cringed...literally, I cringed. Our class has problems focusing to say it nicely, and I was afraid for problems. Since there aren't usually any choir subs, he has students lead the warm-ups and basically the whole day. Different students do different things, and some people don't like have people telling them what to do, which I understand, but it was terrible. A whole bunch of drama went on, and it was scary. So today wasn't as bad, since our teacher came back this morning for a little bit, and he told the sub to just have us write our solfege instead of singing. So today wasn't as bad, but still, I really don't like it when my teachers leave. *sigh* Anyways, I wrote about Owl City a while back. I really do like their music, it doesn't ...