The Long Wait

Hello! It's only been 6 years...a lot has happened since then! I really don't have any excuses to explain why I stopped blogging, other then life happened and I got busy! I'm going to do a quick timeline of events to get us all on the same page:

  • 2013-2016: Had many identity crises trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life
  • 2016: Graduated from BYU with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Minor in Non-profit Management
    • Accepted a post-grad internship at the University of Minnesota in their Sports Marketing Department. (Yes...a girl from South Carolina moved to Minnesota)
    • Met my now husband, Micah about two weeks after I moved there (I'll share our story one day)
    • Decided I missed working with people one-on-one and looked into advising positions and started applying for master's programs in Higher Education
  • 2017: Got accepted into Ball State University's masters program in Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education (1 year track)
    • Got engaged to Micah in March
    • Married in July (in the Southern summer heat)
    • Moved to Indiana 
    • Started my master's program
      One of our engagement pictures from Minnesota!
  • 2018: Graduated in July with my degree from Ball State
    • Accepted a position with Purdue University Center for Career Opportunities as a Career Services Consultant
    • Moved to a new city (still in Indiana)
  • 2019: Adjusting to life as a professional
    • Started my obsession with BeachBody workout programs (Favorite trainer is Autumn)
    • Figured out that working out and healthy food is important (crazy right?!)
    • Traveled to: South Carolina (multiple times), the beach, Tennessee, & Utah/Idaho
    • Learning how to deal with doctors and health problems (more on that later)
I'll go into more detail about some of these bullet points later, but just wanted to give a quick update on what's happened and where I am now! 

Happy to be back!


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