Why hello world! Long time, no post! Contrary to popular belief, I have in fact not dropped of off the face of the earth. I have just been contained in a bubble. A BYU bubble. A pretty great bubble, if I do say so myself! But yes, I am alive and doing great! First of all, I love BYU! It's amazing! There are so many great people here and I've made a lot of friends! I also love my classes! Fun fact: Today I went to the testing center and got an A on one of my college midterms! I felt (and still feel) super accomplished! It's been kind of crazy, trying to adjust to the all the work that you get in college. You want to go out and have fun, but you also have to do all that reading that is waiting for you...and it just gets bigger the longer you let it sit there. (Not like I have any experience with that of course) Plus, in school before you took all of your midterms the same week. I've started taking my second round of midterms, and I haven't even finished my first roun...