I love the feeling! I finally finished writing 20,000 words in a story that I have been working on since November. I was supposed to finish writing that amount in November, but this thing called life and school kept being very distracting. But I finally finished today, and I love the feeling of accomplishment! Mind you, I am not done with the story by any means, but this is the most I've ever written on one story idea! The average young adult novel is 40,000-80,000 so still a little bit to go! But now I have a nice chunk written!
Anyways, I'm super excited about that! Plus I have a job interview tomorrow, so hopefully that will go well too! I really need a job, gotta make some money to pay for college and all the fun stuff that goes with it! Plus I only have 9 days of school left! Not counting my two AP exams that are this week, Thursday and Friday! I'm a little scared about my English exam, because we really haven't done much preparing for it, so I'm going to study my notes from last year and hopefully that will be good too! And I feel okay about my AP Euro Exam, I got a 5 on the mock AP exam we had to take as a final exam, so that's super good, since a 5 is the highest you can get! But I still need to review for that too this week. So this week will be filled with awesome studying time!
But now I must finish up some other things that I just remembered!
Anyways, I'm super excited about that! Plus I have a job interview tomorrow, so hopefully that will go well too! I really need a job, gotta make some money to pay for college and all the fun stuff that goes with it! Plus I only have 9 days of school left! Not counting my two AP exams that are this week, Thursday and Friday! I'm a little scared about my English exam, because we really haven't done much preparing for it, so I'm going to study my notes from last year and hopefully that will be good too! And I feel okay about my AP Euro Exam, I got a 5 on the mock AP exam we had to take as a final exam, so that's super good, since a 5 is the highest you can get! But I still need to review for that too this week. So this week will be filled with awesome studying time!
But now I must finish up some other things that I just remembered!
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