I had an epiphany today on the bus...yes, you read that right, I learned something from a high school bus. Have you ever noticed how many people we come in contact with? It's crazy really, and we don't even know them! For instance walking down a hallway or sitting on a bus, you don't know half of the people there and out of school you probably don't know anyone! Our bus was really crowded today, and my friend and I didn't get to sit together on the bus so I had to try and find another seat. And I only know a couple of people on the bus and they're not really friends but I know them...but I didn't sit with anyone I knew. I sat down to a random kid who was nice enough to move over for me. We both listened to our ipods, and sometimes when I'm feeling hyper or just friendly I'll strike up a conversation. But today I didn't. I was listening to my ipod and just thinking and the moment had already passed where I could have started a conversation. Just t...