Big Time Rush! :D
So I know I've missed a lot, but I'm just going to start with this week! Or last week and this week! ;) So last Wednesday I got to meet Big Time Rush! They're a tv show/band on nick! And they are amazing! Lindsey, Carlyn, and I all went after school and went to the Altamonte Best Buy to wait in line. We didn't realize you had to buy a cd to get in, so we all had to quickly run in and do that! We met these two sisters who were in High School too, and we hung out with them while we waited. It was fun and we took a lot of random pictures. (There was a Geek Squad Van and we took pictures with it :D) We also saw some helicopters flying around the store and my friend later told me that they showed the line on the news. I'm famous! ;) So we finally got to the line inside...yes they had two lines, and they had it marked off like a roller coaster line. So we went up and down aisles. We also saw this important looking guy in a suit, and so we asked to take a picture with him!...