
Showing posts from December, 2009


Ahh, Christmas. The time of "CRAP! I forgot about her/him!" and "What to get, what to get?" and other fun lines. Sometimes it's hard to just sit back and enjoy your family and remember what Christmas is about. But, once the crazy sessions of wrapping for 2 hours is over, and you're with your family sitting around, its a lot easier to remember the real reasons. So, Merry Christmas and I hope everyone has a wonderful last couple weeks of 2009, before the New Year begins! ~Shaina

Party and other things!

Wow, I haven't written in forever! I have had a lot to do in these past months, and my plate keeps getting more piled on. I guess that's what it means to start growing up. I'm really excited for Christmas, to get away from school...but I'm going to do a lot of homework! :( Well, I had a sweet 16 birthday party that I went to today. It was really fun, we dressed up semi-formal and we didn't really do anything fancy, but we had a scavenger hunt and we hung out. It was a cool idea...I still need to think of something fun to do for my sweet 16. Almost everythings been taken and I want something original! So the search begins! :D Anyways, the countdown for Portugal begins, 34 days! Wooh! I'm excited to go out of the country! I'm not so excited to be missing school for 2 weeks, but hopefully it won't be anything to hard to make up. I'm only worried about math and AP World...oh well. I'll figure it out! :) Well, I have a research paper to do that's